
quarta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2012



Sexuality Education:
challenges for public policy

 04grd 01grd
02grd 03grd
The project proposal is the advocacy of sexuality in the field of education, as a fundamental dimension of relations between people and not just with a theme related to health and disease prevention.
The project began with the completion of the research "The Sexuality Education policies in Brazil – 2003 to 2008". The focus of this study was to map the insert discussion about sexuality and gender in undergraduate courses and pedagogy of Brazilian universities. From the mapping, we were able to identify some of the research groups of the country dealing with the issue of the interface between education and sexuality. We could also see that there are few undergraduate courses that provide for specific disciplines on sexuality and gender in the curriculum for the training of professionals who then become teachers in basic education. The same survey conducted a survey of recent policies related to education in sexuality (programmes, projects, actions, legislation and technical standards), having as its landmark the period 2003 to 2008.
Advocacy actions
The search results The Sexuality Education policies in Brazil has been shared with representatives of social organizations, universities and Government in workshops and meetings promoted by echoes.
In June 2009, was a group composed of representatives of non-governmental organizations with a history of expertise in the area and research groups of Brazilian universities. With the Constitution of the Group was to join efforts so as to build a front and focus politically for the consolidation of a proposal for education in sexuality to be deployed in schools. The perspective is to promote and strengthen the inclusion of sexuality education in school curricula as a cross-cutting theme, linking it to the content and issues related to gender, sexual diversity, sexual rights and reproductive rights.
Results achieved
Among the results achieved by the project so far, include:
  • Formation of network Education gender and Sexualities-REGES with the participation of various representatives of different segments of society – civil society, universities, research groups, Governments and international agencies.
This group was organized during the meetings, held in 2009 and 2010, that allowed the approach and exchange of knowledge between these actors who have already questioned the absence of gender contents in initial teacher training. The next step of this group is the magnification of this discussion with other representatives of society.
  • Acting decisively to the creation of the Working Group (WG) education in sexuality and high school.
  • The Working Group on Sexuality Education and high school has as a proposal to strengthen the regulatory and actions concerning the inclusion of Education on sexuality in high school curriculum. This group is coordinated by the Ministry of education and with the participation of representatives of other federal government bodies, and representatives of social organizations and universities.
  • Participation in the 32nd. Annual meeting of the National Association of graduate studies in education-ANPED.
  • Participation in the consultation on Legal Education Relacionado Con El Marco De La Sexualidad Y Otras Acciones De Seguimiento A La Declaración "Prevent Con Educación" – Ciudad of Mexico.
  • The research and actions proposed by the echoes in the framework of this project served as a grant for the preparation of a chapter of Guía para el diagnóstico de la situación educativa de las mujeres en el y Latin America Caribbean hispano, organized by CLADEM. In chapter prepared by ECOS, if a critical panorama of Brazilian sex education policies developed in recent years.

Support (original link): 

ECOS - Comunicação em Sexualidade

Rua Araújo, 124 - Vila Buarque - 2º andar
São Paulo/SP

Phone. 55-11-3255-1238  

Translated by Rev. Dr. Alberto Thieme

See the material the Brazilian Government is distributing to Brazilian elementary schools. Vídeos like this:
Brazil teaches children to become gay - #Encontrando Bianca
and others.

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