
domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2012


Trevisan, deixe de fazer apologia, pois voce é brasileiro e fica respondendo em Inglês, falando coisas sem fonte, sem provas e sem nexo. Veja que realmente você falha em seus argumentos querendo defender uma prática que não tem defesa. Até Clodovil disse que a homossexualidade é má. Inclusive o Dr. Mott, no programa JÔ SOARES que voce pode ver nos links abaixo, declara que ele praticou tanto a depravação homossexual que ele já "não tinha mais geito", se desejasse deixar a homossexualidade. Porém, em 1972, um senhor de 37 anos converteu-se a Cristo e foi completamente liberto da prática homossexual. Veja no blog: http://grupogaysanonimos.blogspot.com o testemunho dele. Já faz mais de 40 anos que ele foi liberto desta pratica malefica e nunca mais voltou. E começou com SETE anos. Este é o Deus que nós servimos. Ele tem poder para fazer muito mais do pensamos ou pedimos e não há impossiveis para Ele, diz a Bíblia.

Mas vou te responder em Ingles. Da próxima vez, faça o favor de honrar tua lingua materna.
Leia com atençao abaixo, porque eu já lhe expliquei no ultimo email a mesma coisa e você volta a atacar a minha pessoa e não o meu artigo. Você precisa entender o que é democracia e crime por difamação, injuria, calunia e incitação ao ódio. Infelizmente é o que voce está praticando e não percebeu ainda?
Penso que não preciso lhe escrever um terceiro email mostrando a diferença entre DISCRIMINAR PESSOAS E CRITICAR CONDUTAS.
Entendeu, meu amigo?
Um forte abraço.
Rev. Dr. Alberto Thieme....

Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2012 08:57:06 -0600
Subject: Re:
From: jrtrevisani@hotmail.com
To: thiemeus@hotmail.com

TREVISANI: There has been many cases within the years of pastors and others who were respected Christians and fought fiercely against gays and lesbians. Some of them were borderline obsessed with the idea of eradicating homosexualism.
RE: You cannot generalize. You are deffending the gay agenda is destroying the family and you are not seeing that. If you are a gay we are not telling about you (personally you are free to be what you want but you cannot judge any pastor or heterosexual because we are against the HOMOSEXUAL PRACTICE). We are agains the practice of homosexuality and lesbianism. We are not agains anybody. All pastors and priestes love everybody but we don't agree with the sinners practice. We are preaching against bad behaviors are sins and we are free to do that. You are part of the most intolerant group from pos modernity. Discussion about behavior is democracy. When you atack a pastor or a priest telling they fought fiercly against gays and lesbians YOU ARE LYING. Did you understand the DIFFERENCE: You are free to tell what you want about behaviors ant attitudes but you cannot tell anything agains people. Pastors and priests love people but it's not because they love they need to agree with this anti-natural and abominable sin from people are practicing sex in a wrong way. Tell me the name of those "MANY PASTORS" you wrote above. My articles shows the source, the proof and the right way to proceed to live a good life.

TREVISNI: Tthey were very hostile to it and made it their life's "crusade".
RE: Tell the name of at least one of them. You are lying and not accepting the real true.

TREVISANI: Well it turns out some of them were actually gay, and they lived a clandestine life. They were hypocrites. They tried to hide their own sexuality (homosexuality) by fighting it in others.
RE: Tell the name again. Hypocrites are those not accept the true. For almost SEVEN centuries all the secular population never accepted Homosexuality. See the site: www.juliosevero.com. From Gênesis to Revelation thare are over 56 texts in 27 different Bible book against the homosexualisty and lesbian practice. Your are showing your negligence not accepting the true. God calls homosexual practice like a terrible abomination. And it is because in the HOMOSEXUAL FINISH HIS DESCEDENCY. HE WILL NEVER COOPERATE WITH THE WORLD SOCIETY NEEDING NEW PEOPLE TO SUBSTITUTE US WHEN WE DIE. What will be the substitutes for Homosexuals and Lesbians? Brazil has a demographic statistics of 1.68 children per couple. This means it is since 2008 in a negative demographing increase. This means, my friend, homosexuals and lesbians will not have a RETIREMENT when they will be over 65 years old because they contributed a lot of to reduce the number of people in the world and there's nobody to work in his place. Are you understanding the big problems homosexual and lesbians are causing to the world and for future generations?
Tell me who (the name) of a pastor or a christian is hidding their own sexuality(homosexuality) by fighting it in others. You don't have a sufficient argument to tell homosexuality is acceptable. From 2.000 differente nations and people in the world were searched about sexual problems, only 55 African group didn't make a difference between man and woman. None of them are alived today, because God did the sex not only for pleasure (and very depravated like they are being today) but to continue the procriation.

TREVISANI: When I see someone like you I take pause...why is he such a homophobic?
RE:'Am I like a homophobic? Did you forget American and Brazilian Constitution telling about everybody having the freedom to pratiice a "FREE SPEECH" and the democracy guarantees that. Do you know what is a homophobic person? Is a person which hates another person (not only homosexual), because HOMO from latin is EQUAL in English and PHOBYA is AFFRAID. Then a homophobic person is that is being AFFRAID of his equal. What is the equal from a homosexual ? Obsviously, is another homosexual. Gays changed the meaning of this word. See the dictionary: HOMOPHOBIC is a person that hates so much another person that he starts hiting, fighting, and causing injuries in his other equal people. Am I an homophobic? If you tell me this again, I can sue you and you need to see the judge and explain him your offenses to me at the court. That's a crime. It's obvious I'll not do that. No Pastor will do that, because we love everybody and like Christ perdon us we learned very well we need to pardon people like you, because you don't have the right aknowledge about what you told me. I
TREVISANI: And anybody should be ashamed to mention a "priest" or the catholic church in the same sentence when trying to convince others about the ills of being gay, because the catholic church has promoted and protected predator gay priests that have caused great damage to children by abusing them in the most despicable ways.
RE: If you consider the number of priests in the worlds, the problems Catholic Church is having with priests abusing from children is not considerable. You cannot use this argument because over 90% of those priests abused sexually some child were HOMOSEXUALS. You can check those information reading several sources we put in our blog: http'://defesa-hetero.blogspot.com in the following links:
http://grupogaysanonimos.blogspot.com ---à Tetemunhos de ex-gays e ex-travestis
We are against any violence against anybody. But we cannot agree a homosexual practice is a normal sexual way. It's considered for almost SEVEN centuries by secular world society as an anti-natural sexual practice and for the same time considered as an abominable and sinning practice by God. Because of this 2.3 billion people in the world and all the Muslim and other big religions consider it an anti-natural and wrong sexual practice.
TREVISANI: So, with all due respect "get a life" Thieme
RE: Yes, all the time with the best respect for everybody. The Holly Bible teach us all the time to love everybody independently of his race, religion, sexual option etc. I'm absolute sure you're with a wrong point of view about this subject. I suggest you take a look in our BLOG in a bunch of videos and articles.

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